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Who are we?

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Ant Edu Education and Training Joint Stock Company is one of the leading reputable multi-platform English training units in Vietnam.

With the advantage of a young, dynamic and creative staff, Ant Edu’s project products are an intersection between tradition and modernity, both meeting quality and building a streamlined roadmap. Along with an AI system, a team of experienced teachers and exclusive learning methods, Ant Edu is a pioneer in personalizing learners’ pathways based on technology.

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[tab title=”VISION”]

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Becoming the most prestigious multi-platform foreign language training system in Vietnam

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[tab title=”MISSION”]

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[tab title=”CORE VALUES”]

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  1. Real effort, real value
  2. Constantly creating, constantly innovating
  3. Honest and reputable
  4. Sign laws and responsibilities
  5. Unite and develop together

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students every year


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Offline, Online, KOL, KOC


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User tests AI






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CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ANT EDU MST: 0110083457 Địa chỉ: Tầng 2 Sevin Office, CT1A Nam Đô Complex, 609 đường Trương Định, phường Thịnh Liệt, quận Hoàng Mai, thành phố Hà Nội.

Hotline: (+84) 9229 8 5555

Website: https://ant-edu.vn

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ant.edu.vn/

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/ant-edu


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Quý 1 / 2023: Hệ thống Test AI ra đời



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Quarter 3 / 2022: Ant Edu is born
Quarter 4 / 2022: 20+ units become partners of Ant Edu (IDP, BC, Alpha book, Elsa, VTV, TPBank, etc.)
Quarter 1 / 2023: Test AI system is born
Quarter 2 / 2023:
– Language Confidence becomes a strategic partner of Ant Edu
– Ant Edu Network reached the milestone of 200 Instructors
Quarter 3 / 2023:
– FPT becomes an educational partner of Ant Edu
– Ant Edu is honored to accompany the Edtech 2023 white paper
Quarter 4 / 2023: VCA Award for “Excellent digital content products in the field of education”
Quarter 1 / 2024:
– Ant Edu reached the milestone of 2000 students
– Student Life Care becomes a partner of Ant Edu





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Real IELTS On Video
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The Real IELTS

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Lingo Speak

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